1. Tell us about yourself.
A 2 - 3 paragraph biography is ideal; a CV or resume or any links you can provide to give us more of a sense of you, including but not limited to social media, artist portfolios, Bandcamp or other music sharing sites if your a musician, etc..
2. Tell us about your previous training in these realms.
Please list certifications, trainings, academic degrees, licensures and apprenticeships you've completed, noting the tradition/modality as well as teacher/organization.
3. Tell us about your experience so far in these realms.
Please share about your personal experience with sacraments and ceremonies. Please also share about any ceremonies you have lead/facilitated.
4. Tell us about your personal development.
Please share about your personal growth and self-care practices; what kinds of modalities/lineages you are currently engaged in as part of your personal practice.
5. Tell us about your readiness to step into this calling.
Please share about why you are called to do this training at this time in your life.